For those participating in the 2023 Challenge Quilt Contest it is: TIME FOR THE REVEAL!
– Cover your quilt label (use a square of fabric and pin it over the label.)
– Write your Artist’s Statement on a 4 x 6 card to include the name of the quilt and any design notes (inspiration source, special techniques, whatever). Pin the card to the front of your quilt. Do not put your name on the card! We want to keep everyone guessing!
– Bring your quilt to the September guild meeting in a container or bag so that it cannot be seen until display.
The voting is simple. All members who attend the September meeting get a ballot and choose their 1st, 2nd and 3rd favorites. 1st place votes are worth 3 points, 2nd place votes 2 points, 3rd place votes 1 point. The highest number of points wins.